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Noun: hock  hók
  1. [Brit] Any of several white wines from the Rhine River valley in Germany
    - Rhine wine [Brit], Rhenish
  2. Tarsal joint of the hind leg of hoofed mammals; corresponds to the human ankle
    - hock-joint, hough [Brit]
Verb: hock  hók
  1. [N. Amer] Leave as a guarantee in return for money
    "hock your grandfather's gold watch";
    - pawn, soak
  2. Disable by cutting the hock

Derived forms: hocked, hocks, hocking

Type of: articulatio, articulation, charge, consign, disable, handicap, incapacitate, invalid, joint, white wine

Part of: hind leg, hoofed mammal, ungulate

Encyclopedia: Hock, Robert