Adjective: hatched hacht
- Emerged from an egg
"The newly hatched chicks chirped loudly"
- Shaded by means of fine parallel or crossed lines
"The artist used a hatched technique to add depth to the drawing";
- crosshatched
- Emerge from the egg
"young birds, fish, and reptiles hatch"
- Sit on (eggs)
"The hen hatched the eggs for three weeks";
- brood, cover, incubate
- Devise or invent
"He hatched a plan to get rich quickly";
- think up, think of, dream up, concoct, hit on
- Draw, cut, or engrave lines, usually parallel, on metal, wood, or paper
"hatch the sheet"
- Inlay with narrow strips or lines of a different substance such as gold or silver, for the purpose of decorating
"The jeweller hatched the watch face with gold lines"
Type of: be born, create by mental act, create mentally, inlay, line, multiply, procreate, reproduce
Encyclopedia: Hatched
Hatch, New Mexico