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Adjective: galvanizing  'gal-vu,nI-zing
  1. Affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling
    "gave a galvanizing reading of the play";
    - electric, galvanic, galvanising [Brit]
Verb: galvanize  'gal-vu,nIz
  1. To stimulate to action
    "galvanized into action";
    - startle, galvanise [Brit]
  2. Cover with zinc
    "galvanize steel";
    - galvanise [Brit]
  3. Stimulate (muscles) by administering a shock
    - galvanise [Brit]

See also: exciting

Type of: ball over, blow out of the water, coat, floor, shock, surface, take aback

Encyclopedia: Galvanizing
