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Noun: fruitcake  'froot,keyk
  1. A rich cake containing dried fruit and nuts and citrus peel and so on
  2. [informal] A whimsically eccentric person
    - crackpot [informal], crank, nut [informal], nutcase [informal], screwball [informal]
  3. [informal] A person who is regarded as eccentric or mad
    - nutter [Brit, informal], wacko [informal], whacko [informal], mentalist [Brit, informal], nutcake [US, informal], nutjob [informal], wackjob [N. Amer, informal], basket case [informal], whackjob [N. Amer, informal], nutbar [N. Amer, informal], wackadoodle [N. Amer, informal]

Derived forms: fruitcakes

See also: crazy [N. Amer, informal], headcase [informal], looney [informal], loony [informal], lunatic, madman, maniac, nutcase [informal]

Type of: cake, dag [Austral, NZ, informal], eccentric, eccentric person, flake [N. Amer, informal], geek [informal], oddball [informal]

Encyclopedia: Fruitcake