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Adjective: eccentric  ik'sen-trik or ek'sen-trik
  1. Not having a common centre; not concentric
    "eccentric circles";
    - nonconcentric
  2. Conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
    "famed for his eccentric spelling";
    - bizarre, freakish, freaky [informal], flaky [informal], flakey [informal], gonzo [N. Amer, informal], off-the-wall [informal], outlandish, outré
Noun: eccentric  ik'sen-trik or ek'sen-trik
  1. A person with an unusual or odd personality
    - eccentric person, flake [N. Amer, informal], oddball [informal], geek [informal], dag [Austral, NZ, informal]
  2. A person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)
    "a friendly eccentric";
    - character, type, case

Sounds like: excentri

Derived forms: eccentrics

See also: acentric, off-center [US], off-centered [US], off-centre [Brit, Cdn], off-centred [Brit, Cdn], unconventional

Type of: adult, grownup, individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul

Encyclopedia: Eccentric