Noun: forecasting 'for,kãs-ting
- A statement made about the future
"The meteorologist's forecasting of a severe storm prompted many to prepare";
- prediction, foretelling, prognostication
- Predict in advance
"The analyst forecast a rise in stock prices";
- calculate
- Judge to be probable
"We're forecasting good weather for the outdoor event";
- calculate, estimate, reckon, count on, figure
- Be a sign of something to come, esp. something important or bad
"These signs forecast bad news";
- bode, portend, auspicate, prognosticate, omen, presage, betoken [archaic], foreshadow, augur, foretell, prefigure, predict, foretoken
Type of: anticipate, bespeak, betoken [archaic], call, evaluate, forebode, foretell, indicate, judge, pass judgment, point, predict, prognosticate, promise, signal, statement
Encyclopedia: Forecasting