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Verb: flicker  fli-ku(r)
  1. Move back and forth very rapidly
    "the candle flickered";
    - waver, flitter, flutter, quiver
  2. Shine unsteadily
    "The candle flickered";
    - flick
  3. Flash intermittently
    "The lights flickered on and off";
    - flick
Noun: flicker  fli-ku(r)
  1. A momentary flash of light
    - spark, glint
  2. North American woodpecker
  3. The act of moving back and forth
    - waver, flutter

Derived forms: flickered, flickering, flickers

Type of: beam, blink, flash, motility, motion, move, move back and forth, movement, pecker, peckerwood [US], shine, twinkle, wink, winkle, woodpecker

Part of: Colaptes, genus Colaptes

Encyclopedia: Flicker, Peter