Adjective: flagging fla-gingNoun: flagging fla-ging
- Flagstones collectively
"there was a pile of flagging waiting to be laid in place"
- A walk of flagstones
"the flagging in the garden was quite imaginative"
- Communicate or signal with a flag
"The race official flagged the start of the competition"
- Become less intense
"The wind flagged as the storm passed";
- ease up, ease off, slacken off
- Droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness
"Her shoulders flagged with exhaustion";
- sag, droop, swag
- Decorate with flags
"the building was flagged for the holiday"
- Provide with a flag
"Flag this file so that I can recognize it immediately"
Derived forms: flaggings
See also: flag down, slacken, tired
Type of: accumulation, adorn, aggregation, assemblage, beautify, collection, come down, decorate, decrease, dent, diminish, drop, drop down, embellish, fall, fancify, go down, grace, lessen, mark, ornament, paseo, sign, signal, signalise [Brit], signalize, sink, walk, walkway
Encyclopedia: Flagging
Flag, Missouri