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Noun: fingering  fing-gu-ring
  1. The placement of the fingers for playing different notes (or sequences of notes) on a musical instrument
  2. Touching something with the fingers
Verb: finger  fing-gu(r)
  1. Feel or handle with the fingers
    "finger the binding of the book";
    - thumb
  2. Examine by touch
    "The customer fingered the sweater";
    - feel
  3. [informal] Search for on the computer
    "I fingered my boss and found that he is not logged on in the afternoons"
  4. Indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments
  5. [informal] Recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something
    - identify, place
  6. [informal] Sexually stimulate using a finger or fingers

Derived forms: fingerings

Type of: designate, determine, emplacement, indicate, locating, location, look for, placement, point, position, positioning, search, seek, set, show, touch, touching

Part of: musical performance

Encyclopedia: Fingering

Finger, Paul