Adjective: solo sow-lowNoun: solo (solos,soli) sow-low
- A musical composition for one voice or instrument (with or without accompaniment)
"The flute solo captivated the audience"
- Any activity that is performed alone without assistance
"Her piano solo was the highlight of the concert"
- A flight in which the aircraft pilot is unaccompanied
"Her first solo was a milestone in her pilot training"
- Perform a piece written for a single instrument
"The violinist soloed brilliantly in the concerto"
- (air travel) fly alone, without a co-pilot or passengers
"The pilot soloed for the first time after months of training"
Derived forms: soli, soloed, solos, soloing, soloes
See also: unaccompanied
Type of: activity, aviate, composition, flight, fly, flying, musical composition, opus, perform, piece, piece of music, pilot
Encyclopedia: Solo, Java