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Noun: filet  fi'ley [N. Amer], 'fee,ley or fi'ley or fi-ley or fi-lit [Brit]
  1. A boneless steak cut from the tenderloin of beef
    - fillet
  2. A longitudinal slice or boned side of a fish
    - fillet, fish fillet, fish filet
  3. Lace having a square mesh
Verb: filet  fi'ley [N. Amer], 'fee,ley or fi'ley or fi-ley or fi-lit [Brit]
  1. Decorate with a lace of geometric designs
    - fillet
  2. (cooking) cut into filets
    "filet the fish";
    - fillet

Derived forms: filets, fileting, fileted

Type of: adorn, beautify, beefsteak, carve, cut up, decorate, embellish, grace, lace, ornament, piece, slice

Part of: beef tenderloin

Encyclopedia: Filet, Switzerland