Adjective: exalted eg'zol-tid or ig'zol-tid- Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style
"an exalted ideal"; - elevated, sublime, grand, high-flown, high-minded, lofty, rarefied, rarified, idealistic, noble-minded Verb: exalt eg'zolt or ig'zolt- Praise, glorify, or honour
"exalt the virtues of one's children"; - laud, extol, glorify, proclaim - Fill with sublime emotion
"He was exalted by his phenomenal success"; - exhilarate, tickle pink, inebriate, thrill, beatify - Heighten or intensify
"These paintings exalt the imagination"; - inspire, animate, invigorate, enliven - Raise in rank, character, or status
"exalted the humble shoemaker to the rank of King's adviser"
See also: noble Type of: elate, elevate, excite, intoxicate, lift, lift up, pick up, praise, raise, shake, shake up, stimulate, stir, uplift Encyclopedia: Exalted Exalt |