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Adjective: domesticated  du'mes-ti,key-tid
  1. Converted or adapted to domestic use
    "domesticated plants like maize";
    - domestic
  2. Accustomed to home life
    "some men think it unmanly to be domesticated; others find gratification in it"
Verb: domesticate  du'mes-ti,keyt
  1. Adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment
    "domesticate oats";
    - cultivate, naturalize, naturalise [Brit], tame
  2. Overcome the wildness of; make docile and tractable
    "domesticate falcons";
    - domesticize, domesticise [Brit], reclaim, tame
  3. Make fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to humans
    "The horse was domesticated a long time ago";
    - tame

See also: domestic, tame, tamed

Type of: accommodate, adapt, alter, change, modify

Encyclopedia: Domesticated
