Adjective: dashing dash-ing
- Lively and spirited
"a dashing hero";
- gallant
- Marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
"a dashing young man";
- dapper, jaunty, natty [informal], raffish, rakish, spiffy [N. Amer, informal], snappy [informal], spruce, pert
- Run or move very quickly or hastily
"She dashed into the yard";
- dart, scoot [informal], scud, flash, shoot, whip [informal]
- Hurl or thrust violently
"Waves were dashing against the rock"; "He dashed the plate against the wall";
- crash
- Break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
"dash a plate";
- smash
- Destroy or frustrate hopes, expectations, or plans
"dashed ambitions and hopes"
- Add an enlivening or altering element to
"blue paint dashed with white"
See also: fashionable, hip [informal], spirited, stylish
Type of: baffle, barrel [informal], belt [informal], belt along [informal], bilk [informal], break, bucket [informal], bucket along [informal], cast, cross, foil, frustrate, hasten, hie [archaic], hotfoot, hurl, hurry, hurtle, mix, mix in, pelt [informal], pelt along [informal], queer [informal], race, rocket [informal], rush, rush along, scotch, scupper [informal], speed, spoil, step on it [informal], thwart, travel rapidly, whizz [informal], whizz along [informal], wing [informal], zip [informal], zoom, zoom along [informal]
Encyclopedia: Dash, Mike