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Adjective: concentrated  'kón-sun,trey-tid
  1. Of or relating to a solution whose dilution has been reduced
  2. Intensely focused
    "her concentrated passion held them at bay"
  3. Gathered together or made less diffuse
    "their concentrated efforts"; "his concentrated attention"; "concentrated study"; "a narrow thread of concentrated ore"
  4. (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source
    - hard
  5. Being the most concentrated solution possible at a given temperature; unable to dissolve still more of a substance
    "a concentrated solution";
    - saturated
Verb: concentrate  'kón-sun,treyt
  1. Hold attention and exert mental effort on something
    "Please concentrate on your studies and not on your hobbies";
    - focus, center [US], centre [Brit, Cdn], pore, rivet, pore over
  2. Make denser, stronger, or purer
    "concentrate juice"
  3. Make central
    - centralize, centralise [Brit]
  4. Make more concise
    "concentrate the contents of a book into a summary";
    - digest, condense, distill [N. Amer], distil [Brit]
  5. Draw together or meet in one common centre
    "These groups concentrate in the inner cities"
  6. Compress or concentrate
    - condense, contract
  7. (cooking) be cooked until very little liquid is left
    "The sauce should concentrate to one cup";
    - boil down, reduce, decoct [archaic]
  8. (cooking) cook until very little liquid is left
    "The cook concentrated the sauce by boiling it for a long time";
    - reduce, boil down

See also: bunchy, compact, cumulous, dense, exclusive, intense, single, supersaturated, thick, thickset, undiluted, undivided

Type of: abbreviate, abridge, alter, cerebrate, change, change state, cogitate, contract, converge, cut, decrease, diminish, fall, foreshorten, lessen, minify, modify, reduce, shorten, think, turn

Antonym: decentralize, distributed

Encyclopedia: Concentrated
