Adjective: calculated 'kal-kyu,ley-tid
- Carefully thought out in advance
"a calculated insult";
- deliberate, measured
- Make a calculation or computation
"you can calculate the area of a square if you know the length of its sides";
- cipher, cypher, compute, work out, reckon, figure [N. Amer]
- Judge to be probable
"They calculated a 70% chance of rain";
- estimate, reckon, count on, figure, forecast
- Predict in advance
"The analyst calculated a rise in stock prices";
- forecast
- Specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public
"The marketing team calculated the campaign to appeal to young adults";
- aim, direct
- Have faith or confidence in
"We're calculating on your arrival";
- count, bet, depend, swear, rely, bank, look, reckon
See also: intended
Type of: anticipate, call, designate, destine, evaluate, forebode, foretell, intend, judge, pass judgment, predict, prognosticate, promise, reason, specify, trust
Encyclopedia: Calculated