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Verb: burke  burk
  1. Murder without leaving a trace on the body
  2. Get rid of, silence, or suppress
    "burke an issue"
Noun: Burke  burk
  1. United States frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West noted for her marksmanship (1852-1903)
    - Burk, Martha Jane Burk, Martha Jane Burke, Calamity Jane
  2. British statesman famous for his oratory; pleaded the cause of the American colonists in British Parliament and defended the parliamentary system (1729-1797)
    - Edmund Burke

Sounds like: berk, Burk

Derived forms: burking, burkes, burked, Burkes

Type of: bump off [informal], conquer, croak, dispatch, frontierswoman, hit, murder, national leader, off [N. Amer, informal], orator, polish off [informal], public speaker, remove, rhetorician, slay [literary], speechifier, speechmaker, stamp down, statesman, statesperson, subdue, suppress

Encyclopedia: Burke, Raymond