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Noun: barring  baa-ring
  1. The act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto
    - blackball
Verb: bar (barred,barring)  baa(r)
  1. Disallow membership or entry
    "He was barred from membership in the club";
    - debar, exclude
  2. Render unsuitable for passage
    "bar the streets";
    - barricade, block, blockade, stop, block off, block up
  3. Expel, as if by official decree
    "he was barred from his own country";
    - banish, relegate
  4. Secure with, or as if with, bars
    "He barred the door"

Derived forms: barrings

Type of: block, close up, disallow, ejection, exclusion, expel, expulsion, fasten, fix, forbid, impede, interdict, jam, kick out [informal], nix [N. Amer, informal], obstruct, obturate, occlude, prohibit, proscribe, riddance, secure, throw out, veto

Antonym: unbar

Encyclopedia: Barring

Bar, Serbia, and Montenegro