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Noun: barbecue  'baa(r)-bu,kyoo
  1. An event or meal at which food is cooked outdoors over an open grill or fire
    - barbeque, barbie [Brit, informal], BBQ [Brit]
  2. Meat that has been barbecued or grilled in a highly seasoned sauce
    - barbeque
  3. A rack to hold meat for cooking over hot charcoal usually out of doors
    - barbeque, braaistand [S.Africa]
Verb: barbecue  'baa(r)-bu,kyoo
  1. (cooking) cook outdoors on a barbecue grill
    "let's barbecue that meat";
    - barbeque, cook out [N. Amer]

Derived forms: barbecuing, barbecues, barbecued

Type of: cookout [N. Amer], dish, grill, rack, stand

Encyclopedia: Barbecue, North Carolina