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Adjective: worshiped  wur-shipt
Usage: US (elsewhere: worshipped)
  1. Regarded with deep or rapturous love (especially as if for a god)
    "worshiped grandchildren";
    - adored, idolized, idolised [Brit], worshipped
Verb: worship (worshipped,worshipping, or [US] worshiped,worshiping)  wur-ship
  1. (religion) show devotion to (a deity)
    "Many Hindus worship Shiva"
  2. Attend religious services
    "They worship in the traditional manner"
  3. Love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol
    "Many teenagers worshiped the Beatles";
    - idolize, idolise [Brit], hero-worship, revere

See also: loved

Type of: adore, attend, fear, go to, revere, reverence, venerate

Encyclopedia: Worship, Christian