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Adjective: whiffy (whiffier,whiffiest)  wi-fee
Usage: Brit, informal (N. Amer: malodorous)
  1. Having an unpleasant smell
    "whiffy gases";
    - malodorous, malodourous [Brit, Cdn, non-standard], unpleasant-smelling, ill-smelling, stinky [informal], pongy [Brit, informal], minging [Brit, informal]

Derived forms: whiffier, whiffiest

See also: bilgy, fetid, foetid [Brit], foul, foul-smelling, frowsty [Brit, informal], funky [N. Amer, informal], fusty, gamey, gamy, high, ill-scented, mephitic, miasmatic, miasmic, musty, niffy [Brit, informal], noisome, odiferous, odoriferous, odorous, putrid-smelling, rancid, rank-smelling, reeking, ripe [informal], smelly, sour, stinking