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Verb: wail  weyl
  1. Emit long loud cries
    "wail in self-pity";
    - howl, ululate, roar, yawl, yaup
  2. Cry weakly or softly
    "she wailed with pain";
    - whimper, mewl, pule
Noun: wail  weyl
  1. A cry of sorrow and grief
    "their pitiful wails could be heard throughout the ward";
    - lament, lamentation, plaint [literary]

Sounds like: wade, we, wail, whal

Derived forms: wailed, wails, wailing

Type of: call, complaint, cry, holler [informal], hollo [non-standard], scream, shout, shout out, squall, weep, yell

Encyclopedia: Wail, Pas-de-Calais