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Verb: vulgarise  'vúl-gu,rIz
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: vulgarize)
  1. Cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public; bring into general or common use
    "They vulgarised coffee in Washington State";
    - popularize, popularise [Brit], vulgarize, generalize, generalise [Brit]
  2. Debase and make vulgar
    "The Press has vulgarised Love and Marriage";
    - vulgarize
  3. Act in a vulgar manner
    "The drunkard tends to vulgarise";
    - vulgarize

Derived forms: vulgarised, vulgarises, vulgarising

Type of: act, alter, behave, broadcast, change, circularise [Brit], circularize, circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, do, modify, pass around, propagate, spread