Adjective: voluptuous vu'lúp-choo-us
- (of a woman's body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves
"Hollywood seems full of voluptuous blondes";
- bosomy, busty [informal], buxom, curvaceous, curvy, full-bosomed, sonsie [UK, dialect], sonsy [UK, dialect], stacked [slang], well-endowed [informal], well-stacked [slang], Rubenesque
- (of a woman) sexually attractive
"a voluptuous woman";
- juicy [informal], luscious [informal], red-hot [informal], toothsome [informal], foxy [informal], babelicious [N. Amer, informal], bootylicious [US, informal]
- Devoted to or characterized by luxury and sensual pleasures
"Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence";
- epicurean, luxurious, luxuriant, sybaritic, voluptuary, luxury
See also: dishy [Brit, informal], hot [informal], indulgent, lush [Brit, informal], sexy [informal], shapely, sinful [informal], smoking [informal], tasty [Brit, informal], yummy [informal]
Encyclopedia: Voluptuous