Adjective: unmanageable ,ún'ma-ni-ju-bul
- Incapable of being controlled or managed
"unmanageable children";
- uncontrollable, uncorrectable
- Hard to control
"an unmanageable situation";
- difficult
- Difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape
"we set about towing the unmanageable structure into the shelter";
- unwieldy
- Difficult to solve or alleviate
"unmanageable pain";
- uncontrollable
See also: awkward, bunglesome, clumsy, cumbersome, cumbrous, defiant, disobedient, incorrigible, indocile, intractable, irreformable, noncompliant, uncheckable, uncontrollable, ungainly, ungovernable, unruly
Antonym: wieldy