Adjective: unbending ,ún'ben-ding
- Incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances
"an unbending will to dominate";
- inflexible, rigid
- (of a person) stop bending, stand straight up
"She unbent from her gardening position";
- straighten
- Free from flexure
"unbend a bow"
- Make less taut
"He unbent the wire to straighten it";
- relax
- Unfasten, as a sail, from a spar or a stay
"The sailors unbent the mainsail as the storm approached"
- Rest from work; become less busy, tense or anxious
"He finally unbent after finishing the project";
- relax, loosen up, unwind, decompress, slow down, take it easy
- Release from mental strain, tension, or formality
"unbend the mind from absorbing too much information"
See also: unadaptable
Type of: change posture, change state, loose, loosen, loosen up, relax, straighten, straighten out, turn, unfasten, unlax [informal, rare], unstrain, unwind