Adjective: turbinate tur-bi-nut
- In the shape of a coil
"The turbinate shell of the snail";
- coiling, helical, spiral, spiraling [US], volute, voluted, whorled, spiralling [Brit, Cdn]
- Of or relating to the scroll-shaped turbinate bones in the nasal passages
"The turbinate bones play a role in filtering and humidifying inhaled air"
- Any of the scrolled spongy bones of the nasal passages in man and other vertebrates
"The turbinate bones help to warm and humidify inhaled air";
- turbinate bone, turbinal
Derived forms: turbinates
See also: coiled
Part of: beak [informal], conk [Brit, informal], honker [informal], hooter [informal], nose, nozzle [informal], olfactory organ, schnoz [informal], schnozzle [informal], snoot [informal], snout [informal]
Encyclopedia: Turbinate