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Noun: tore  tor
  1. Commonly the lowest moulding at the base of a column
    - torus
Verb: tear (tore,torn,tearing,tears)  teh(r)
  1. Separate or cause to separate abruptly
    "tear the paper";
    - rupture, snap, bust [informal]
  2. To separate or be separated by force
  3. [informal] Move quickly and violently
    "The car tore down the street";
    - shoot, shoot down, charge, buck, bomb [Brit, informal], scream [informal]
  4. Remove feathers
    "tear the capon";
    - pluck, pull, deplume, deplumate [rare], displume [rare]

Sounds like: toques, toker, tor

Derived forms: tores

See also: shoot up

Type of: barrel [informal], belt [informal], belt along [informal], bucket [informal], bucket along [informal], disunite, divide, hasten, hie [archaic], hotfoot, hurry, molding [N. Amer], moulding [Brit, Cdn], part, pelt [informal], pelt along [informal], race, rocket [informal], rush, rush along, separate, speed, step on it [informal], strip, travel rapidly, whizz [informal], whizz along [informal], wing [informal], zip [informal], zoom, zoom along

Encyclopedia: Tore, Scotland

Tear, Robert