Adjective: superlative soo'pur-lu-tiv
- Highest in quality
"He is considered the superlative playwright of his generation";
- greatest, sterling
- The highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development
"so many highest superlatives achieved by man";
- acme, height, elevation, peak, pinnacle, summit, meridian, tiptop, top
- The superlative form of an adjective or adverb
"‘fastest’ is the superlative of the adjective ‘fast’"; "‘least famous’ is the superlative degree of the adjective ‘famous’"; "‘most surely’ is the superlative of the adverb ‘surely’";
- superlative degree
- An exaggerated expression (usually of praise)
"the critics lavished superlatives on it"
Derived forms: superlatives
See also: superior
Type of: adjective, adverb, congrats [informal], congratulations, degree, extolment, hats off [informal], kudos, level, pat on the back, phase, phasis, point, praise, stage
Encyclopedia: Superlative