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Adjective: sulphureous  súl'fyûr-ee-us
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: sulfureous)
  1. Characterized by oppressive heat and humidity
    "the summer was sulphureous and oppressive";
    - sultry, stifling, sulfurous [N. Amer], sulphurous [Brit, Cdn]
  2. [Brit, Cdn] Of or related to or containing sulphur or derived from sulphur
    - sulfurous [N. Amer], sulphurous [Brit, Cdn], sulfureous [US]
  3. Harsh or corrosive in tone
    - acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous [N. Amer], sulphurous [Brit, Cdn], virulent, vitriolic, acidulous

See also: hot, unpleasant