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Noun: star grass  staa(r) grãs
  1. Any of several perennials of the genus Aletris having grasslike leaves and bitter roots reputed to cure colic
    - colicroot, colic root, crow corn, unicorn root
  2. Any plant of the genus Hypoxis having long grasslike leaves and yellow star-shaped flowers: Africa; Australia; southern Asia; North America
  3. Trailing grass native to Europe now cosmopolitan in warm regions; used for lawns and pastures especially in southern United States and India
    - Bermuda grass, devil grass, Bahama grass, kweek, doob, scutch grass, Cynodon dactylon
  4. Perennial Australian grass having numerous long spikes arranged like the vanes of a windmill
    - windmill grass, creeping windmill grass, Chloris truncata

Derived forms: star grasses

Type of: cormous plant, finger grass, grass, liliaceous plant

Part of: Aletris, Cynodon, genus Aletris, genus Cynodon, genus Hypoxis, Hypoxis

Encyclopedia: Star grass