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Noun: smallness  smol-nus
  1. The property of having a relatively small size
    - littleness
  2. The property of being a relatively small amount
    "he was attracted by the smallness of the taxes"
  3. The property of having relatively little strength or vigour
    "the smallness of her voice";
    - littleness
  4. Lack of generosity in trifling matters
    - pettiness, littleness
  5. The quality of being minor in influence, power, or rank.
    "Geocentric cosmology did not lead the ancient astronomers and philosophers to a man-centred view of the universe, and exaggerated view of man's importance in the scheme of things. It led them rather to stress his smallness, insignificance and lowly position in the cosmic order."

Type of: amount, closeness, low status, lowliness, lowness, meanness, minginess, niggardliness, niggardness, parsimoniousness, parsimony, size, tightfistedness, tightness, weakness

Antonym: bigness

Encyclopedia: Smallness