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Noun: slob  slób
Usage: Brit, informal
  1. A person with poor hygiene and low standards of tidiness
    - sloven, pig [informal], slovenly person, dag [Austral, NZ, informal], shlump [N. Amer, informal], schlump [N. Amer, informal]
Verb: slob (slobbed,slobbing)  slób
Usage: Brit, informal
  1. Be lazy or idle
    "Her son is just slobbing around all day";
    - bum [informal], bum around [informal], bum about [informal], arse around [Brit, Cdn, informal], arse about [Brit, Cdn, informal], loaf [informal], waste one's time, lounge around, loll, loll around, lounge about

Derived forms: slobbed, slobs, slobbing

Type of: idle, laze, slug [informal], stagnate, vulgarian

Encyclopedia: Slob, United States Virgin Islands