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Adjective: premier  pri'mee(-u)r or pree-mee-u(r) [N. Amer], pre-mee-u(r) or pree-mee-u(r) [Brit]
  1. First in rank or degree
    "an architect of premier rank";
    - prime
  2. Preceding all others in time
    - premiere
Noun: premier  pri'mee(-u)r or pree-mee-u(r) [N. Amer], pre-mee-u(r) or pree-mee-u(r) [Brit]
  1. The person who holds the position of head of the government in the United Kingdom
    - Prime Minister, PM
  2. The person who is head of government (in several countries)
    - chancellor, prime minister
Verb: premier  pri'mee(-u)r or pree-mee-u(r) [N. Amer], pre-mee-u(r) or pree-mee-u(r) [Brit]
  1. (performing arts) be performed for the first time
    "We premiered the opera of the young composer and it was a critical success";
    - premiere
  2. (performing arts) perform a work for the first time
    - premiere

Derived forms: premiering, premiers

See also: 1st, first

Type of: chief of state, do, execute, head of state, perform

Part of: British Cabinet

Encyclopedia: Premier, WV