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Verb: pass away  pãs u'wey
  1. Cease to live; lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
    "She passed away from cancer";
    - die, decease [archaic], perish, go, exit, expire, pass, kick the bucket [informal], cash in one's chips [informal], buy the farm [N. Amer, informal], conk [informal], give-up the ghost [informal], drop dead, pop off [informal], choke, croak [informal], snuff it [informal], flatline [informal], cop it [Brit, informal], cash in [informal], pop one's clogs [informal]
  2. Go out of existence
    "She hoped that the problem would eventually pass away"

Derived forms: passing away, passes away, passed away

Type of: cease, change state, end, finish, stop, terminate, turn

Encyclopedia: Pass away