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Verb: overlap (overlapped,overlapping)  'ow-vu(r),lap
  1. Coincide partially or wholly
    "Our vacations overlap"
  2. Extend over and cover a part of
    "The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city"
Noun: overlap  'ow-vu(r),lap
  1. A representation of common ground between theories or phenomena
    "there was no overlap between their proposals";
    - convergence, intersection
  2. The property of partial coincidence in time
  3. A flap that lies over another part
    "the overlap of the shingles should be at least ten inches";
    - lap

Derived forms: overlapped, overlapping, overlaps

Type of: coincide, coincidence, concurrence, conjunction, continue, cooccur, co-occur, co-occurrence, cover, extend, flap, internal representation, mental representation, representation

Encyclopedia: Overlap