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Noun: organiser  'or-gu,nI-zu(r)
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: organizer)
  1. Someone who enlists workers to join a union
    - organizer, labor organizer [US], labour organizer [Brit, Cdn], labour organiser [Brit]
  2. A person who brings order and organization to an enterprise
    "she was the organiser of the meeting";
    - organizer, arranger
  3. A lightweight consumer electronic device that looks like a hand-held computer but instead performs specific tasks; can serve as a diary or a personal database or a telephone or an alarm clock etc.
    - personal digital assistant, PDA, personal organizer, personal organiser [Brit], organizer

Derived forms: organisers

Type of: electronic device, thinker, union representative

Encyclopedia: Organiser