Adjective: offhand 'óf'hand
Usage: informal
- With little or no preparation or forethought
"offhand excuses";
- ad-lib, extemporaneous, extemporary, extempore, impromptu, offhanded, off-the-cuff, unrehearsed
- Casually thoughtless or inconsiderate
"she treated most men with offhand contempt"; "an offhand manner";
- offhanded
- In a casually inconsiderate manner
"replied offhand, his mind a million miles away";
- offhandedly
- Without previous thought or preparation
"we decided offhand to go to Canada"; "couldn't give the figures offhand";
- offhandedly
Usage: informal
- Without previous consideration
"I don't know the figures off-hand";
- ex tempore
See also: careless, cavalier, ill-prepared, unprepared