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Adjective: obstinate  ób-sti-nut
  1. Stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
    - cussed, obdurate, unrepentant
  2. Resistant to guidance or discipline; tending to do the opposite of what is normal or wanted
    "an obstinate child with a violent temper";
    - contrary[2], perverse, wayward
  3. Tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
    - stubborn, unregenerate
Verb: obstinate  ób-sti-nut
  1. Persist stubbornly
    "he obstinates himself against all rational arguments"

Derived forms: obstinated, obstinates, obstinating

See also: bloody-minded [Brit], bolshie [Brit, informal], bolshy [Brit, informal], bullet-headed, bullheaded, cantankerous, contrarious, cross-grained, determined, disobedient, dogged, dour, down-the-line [informal], hardheaded, inflexible, intractable, mulish, persistent, pertinacious, pigheaded, stiff-necked, strong-minded, strong-willed, stroppy [Brit, informal], sturdy, tenacious, uncompromising, unregenerate, unregenerated, unyielding

Type of: hang in, hang on, hold on, persevere, persist

Antonym: docile