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Noun: neutralization  ,n(y)oo-tru-lu'zey-shun [N. Amer], ,n(y)oo-tru-lI'zey-shun [Brit]
  1. Action intended to keep a country politically neutral or exclude it from a possible war
    "the neutralization of Belgium";
    - neutralisation [Brit]
  2. A chemical reaction in which an acid and a base interact with the formation of a salt; with strong acids and bases the essential reaction is the combination of hydrogen ions with hydroxyl ions to form water
    - neutralisation [Brit], neutralization reaction, neutralisation reaction [Brit]
  3. (euphemism) the removal of a threat by killing or destroying it (especially in a covert operation or military operation)
    - neutralisation [Brit]
  4. Action intended to nullify the effects of some previous action
    - neutralisation [Brit], counteraction

Derived forms: neutralizations

Type of: chemical reaction, destruction, devastation, nullification, override, reaction

Encyclopedia: Neutralization