Noun: necking ne-king- The moulding at the top of a column
- gorgerin - Affectionate play (or foreplay without contact with the genital organs)
- caressing, cuddling, fondling, hugging, kissing, petting, snuggling, first base [US, informal] Verb: neck nek- Make or become more narrow or restricted
- narrow, contract - [informal] Kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion
"The couple were necking in the back seat of the car"; - make out [informal], pash [Austral, NZ, informal] - [Brit, informal] To swallow hurriedly, greedily or in one draught
"The men necked down their beers"; - gulp, quaff, swig, slug [informal]
Derived forms: neckings Type of: arousal, change, drink, foreplay, imbibe, molding [N. Amer], moulding [Brit, Cdn], pet, stimulation Encyclopedia: Necking Neck, North Holland |