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Adjective: menacing  me-nu-sing
  1. Indicating evil intent or suggesting tragic developments
    "his tone became menacing";
    - baleful, forbidding, minacious, minatory, ominous, sinister, threatening
Verb: menace  me-nis
  1. Pose a threat to; present a danger to
    "The pollution is menacing the crops";
    - endanger, jeopardize, jeopardise [Brit], threaten, imperil, peril
  2. Express a threat either by an utterance or a gesture
    "he menaced the bank manager with a stick"
  3. Act in a threatening manner
    "A menacing person"

See also: alarming

Type of: act, be, behave, do, evince [formal], exist, express, show

Encyclopedia: Menacing
