- Relational database of the United States National Library of Medicine for the storage and retrieval of bibliographical information concerning the biomedical literature
- Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System
- Small deciduous Eurasian tree cultivated for its fruit that resemble crab apples
"The medlar fruits were left to blet before eating";
- medlar tree, Mespilus germanica
- Crabapple-like fruit used for preserves
"The medlar fruits were left to blet before being made into jelly"
- Small deciduous tree of southern Africa having edible fruit
"Local communities harvested fruit from the wild medlar trees";
- wild medlar, wild medlar tree, Vangueria infausta
- A South African globular fruit with brown leathery skin and pithy flesh having a sweet-acid taste
"The South African medlar was enjoyed as a refreshing snack on hot days"
Type of: edible fruit, fruit tree, relational database, tree
Part of: genus Mespilus, genus Vangueria, Mespilus, Vangueria
Encyclopedia: MEDLARS