Adjective: matured mu'chûrd [N. Amer], mu'tyûrd [Brit]- Fully ripe; at the height of bloom
"a matured rose"; - full-blown - Fully considered and perfected
"matured plans"; - mature Verb: mature mu'chûr or mu'tûr [N. Amer], mu'tyûr [Brit]- Develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation
"He matured fast"; - maturate, grow - Develop and work out fully in one's mind
"I need to mature my thoughts" - Become due for repayment
"These bonds mature in 2005" - Cause to ripen or develop fully
"Age matures a good wine"; - ripen, age - Grow old or older
"Young men mature"; - senesce, age, get on, maturate - Cause to ripen and discharge pus
"The oil matures the pustules"; - suppurate
See also: developed, mature Type of: alter, change, develop, draw, explicate, formulate, modify Encyclopedia: Mature, Victor |