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Adjective: matured  mu'chûrd [N. Amer], mu'tyûrd [Brit]
  1. Fully ripe; at the height of bloom
    "a matured rose";
    - full-blown
  2. Fully considered and perfected
    "matured plans";
    - mature
Verb: mature  mu'chûr or mu'tûr [N. Amer], mu'tyûr [Brit]
  1. Develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation
    "He matured fast";
    - maturate, grow
  2. Develop and work out fully in one's mind
    "I need to mature my thoughts"
  3. Become due for repayment
    "These bonds mature in 2005"
  4. Cause to ripen or develop fully
    "Age matures a good wine";
    - ripen, age
  5. Grow old or older
    "Young men mature";
    - senesce, age, get on, maturate
  6. Cause to ripen and discharge pus
    "The oil matures the pustules";
    - suppurate

See also: developed, mature

Type of: alter, change, develop, draw, explicate, formulate, modify

Encyclopedia: Mature, Victor