Adjective: matched macht
- Going well together; possessing harmonizing qualities
"The matched set of furniture created a cohesive look in the room"
- Provided with a worthy adversary or competitor
"matched teams"
- Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics
"The two versions of the story don't quite match";
- fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agree, marry, marry up, square
- Bring two objects, ideas, or people together
"Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?";
- mate, couple, pair, twin
- Provide funds complementary to
"The company matched the employees' contributions"
- Be equal to in quality or ability
"Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents";
- equal, touch, rival
- Make correspond or harmonize
"Match my sweater";
- fit
- Be equal or harmonize
"The two pieces match"
- Make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching
"The company matched the discount policy of its competitors";
- equal, equalize, equalise [Brit], equate
- Arrange a marriage between people
"The parents matched their daughter with the merchant's son"
- Set into opposition or rivalry
"let them match their best athletes against ours";
- pit, oppose, play off
See also: compatible, competitive, competitory, coordinated, co-ordinated, duplicate, matching, mated, one-to-one, paired, simpatico [informal], twin, twinned
Type of: adapt, adjust, alter, be, change, compete, conform, confront, contend, correct, face, furnish, join, modify, offer, provide, render, set, supply, vie
Antonym: disaccord [archaic], mismatched
Encyclopedia: Matched