Noun: madness mad-nus
- Relatively permanent disorder of the mind
"he lived on a knife-edge between genius and madness";
- insanity, craziness [informal]
- The quality of being rash and foolish
"trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of madness";
- folly, foolishness, craziness, nuttiness [informal], insanity
- A feeling of intense anger
"hell hath no madness like a woman scorned";
- fury, rage
- Unrestrained excitement or enthusiasm
"poetry is a sort of divine madness";
- rabidity, rabidness
- [archaic] Insanity
"In historical legal documents, the term madness was used to describe mental incompetence";
- lunacy [archaic], insaneness [archaic]
Type of: anger, choler, daftness [informal], ebullience, enthusiasm, exuberance, feeblemindedness, ire, mental disease, mental illness, psychopathy, stupidity
Encyclopedia: Madness, Money and Music