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Adjective: localized  'low-ku,lIzd
  1. (medicine) confined or restricted to a particular location
    "the localized infection formed a definite abscess";
    - localised [Brit]
  2. Made local or oriented locally
    "a decentralized and localized political authority";
    - localised [Brit]
Verb: localize  'low-ku,lIz
  1. Identify the location or place of
    "We localized the source of the infection";
    - place, localise [Brit]
  2. Concentrate on a particular place or spot
    "The infection has localized in the left eye";
    - localise [Brit], focalize, focalise [Brit]
  3. Restrict something to a particular area
    - localise [Brit]
  4. Locate
    - set, localise [Brit], place

See also: decentralised [Brit], decentralized, local

Type of: control, lie, locate, present, represent, restrict, situate, stage

Encyclopedia: Localized
