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Adjective: liquified  'li-kwu,fId
  1. Reduced to a liquid state
    "liquified petroleum gas";
    - liquefied
  2. Reduced to liquid form by heating
    "a mass of liquified rock";
    - molten, liquefied
  3. Changed from a solid to a liquid state
    "rivers filled to overflowing by liquified snow";
    - melted, liquid
Verb: liquify  'li-kwu,fI
  1. (physics) make (a solid substance) liquid, as by heating
    "liquify the silver";
    - liquefy, liquidize, liquidise [Brit]
  2. (physics) become liquid or fluid when heated
    "the frozen fat liquified";
    - liquefy, flux

See also: dissolved, fusible, liquid, thawed, unfrozen

Type of: alter, change, change integrity, modify

Antonym: unmelted

Encyclopedia: Liquified
