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Adjective: keyed  keed
  1. Set to a key or tone
  2. Fitted with or secured by a key
    "a keyed instrument"; "the locks have not yet been keyed"
Verb: key  kee
  1. Classify or apply the appropriate name to, e.g. in botany or biology
    - identify, discover, key out, distinguish, describe, name
  2. Provide with a key
    "We were keyed after the locks were changed in the building"
  3. Vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key
    "His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot"
  4. (music) regulate the musical pitch of
  5. Harmonize with or adjust to
    "key one's actions to the voters' prevailing attitude"

See also: tonal

Type of: chord, furnish, harmonise [Brit], harmonize, offer, provide, reconcile, render, supply, vandalise [Brit], vandalize

Antonym: keyless

Encyclopedia: Key, Richard