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Adjective: institutionalized  ,in-sti't(y)oo-shu-nu,lIzd
  1. Given the character of an institution or incorporated into a structured and usually well-established system
    "institutionalized graft";
    - institutionalised [Brit]
  2. Officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution
    "had hopes of rehabilitating the institutionalized juvenile delinquents";
    - institutionalised [Brit]
Verb: institutionalize  ,in-sti't(y)oo-shu-nu,lIz
  1. Cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution
    "After the second episode, she had to be institutionalized";
    - commit, institutionalise [Brit], send, charge
  2. Establish as a normal practice
    - institutionalise [Brit]

See also: institutional

Type of: transfer

Encyclopedia: Institutionalized
